Monday, 14 September 2009

Summary No. 1: Homework Assignment

Fighting the recession all across the globe.

By Tom Binder.

The economic crisis we are currently facing, also generally spoken of as the recession, is hanging over us like a dark cloud. In both America, where the unemployment levels are sky high, and Europe, where some of the countries that are struck the hardest by this crisis are situated, economists and politicians are heavily debating on how to turn this recession into a beloved economic growth.

America has opened the attack on the economic crisis by launching their fiscal stimulus packages and wishes for Europe to follow it’s example. In Europe however, the politicians and economists are not so sure about the effectiveness of these stimulus packages. The European governments want to see how the first wave of stimulus plans works, as there are people who think that these plans might trigger a so-called hyperinflation.

Also, European governments do not all have the very same interests, except for the one in which Europe as a continent needs to survive this recession. The economic problems differ per country, so asking all the European governments to take the very same actions against the crisis might not seem reasonable to everyone. If this happens, it might very well be that the inhabitants of one country will suffer financially for the problems another European country might have.

Especially the Dutch, who in general are having a relatively easy time during this recession (compared to other countries), would suffer financially from these stimulus packages. The Dutch individuals would have to give in order for Europe, as an economy, to grow. It is the task of the Dutch politicians to convince the people that the American way is indeed the right way and convince them that giving now will eventually turn out good for them. Will they succeed?

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